Swayable Insights

Swayable @ SXSW: Voter Formation Project Proves Impact with Swayable

Written by Kat Bongardt | Jun 6, 2024 8:59:44 PM

Does your data prove cause and effect?

Swayable hosted an insights-filled session at #SXSW with Tatenda Musapatike from Voter Formation Project & Erin McDonough from Paramount Pictures. As Tatenda said of Voter Formation Project's commitment to pre-testing, “We test everything, because the assumptions held from last election cycle don’t always hold true. Whether it be message, platform performance, response to colors, or even aspect ratios of your creative - all of that can make a difference.”

To learn about why winning campaigns need data that proves cause and effect, why you may be surprised who is actually persuadable, and how consistent testing leads to smarter campaigns, check out the full video below.