Cannes Recap 2023
What were the big takeaways for marketers at Cannes Lions this year?
If there's one insight: it's the trend toward pre-testing creative ideas.
Most marketing testing focuses on bottom of funnel ads (think A/B tests of landing pages, discounts, and digital ads). But Cannes Lions reminds us that big creative ideas build brands.
Where's the data to promote that creativity? Brand lift studies tend to produce results after the creative is live (a bit too late if you're pitching an idea).
Not in 2023. Brands are now using pre-testing to quantify the persuasiveness of big ideas before they go live - and using that data to sell in their best ideas.
Looking ahead, that means Cannes 2024 might have some of the most standout ideas yet....
How do you pre-test a big idea? Easy:
Interested in learning more? We put together a 4 minute recap video you can watch here.