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Insights from Swayable's Persuasion 2024

At Swayable’s Persuasion 2024 event, we had the pleasure of hosting and engaging with thought leaders from across dozens of industries. The Drum’s Associate Editor, Kendra Barnett, and Swayable CEO and Founder, James Slezak, discussed the importance of data in storytelling and offered perspectives on creating impactful marketing communication.



"If you don’t measure it, you don’t know if you’re telling it effectively"


James emphasized, "When people have big ideas, they’re trying to do something more than just get clicks or views on a piece of content online. They’re trying to change how we see the world; our job is to measure that." 

He highlighted the significance of understanding whether campaigns and big ideas truly resonate and persuade their audiences. James also noted the major shift in the marketing landscape, where the focus has moved from mere attention metrics to the actual impact of the stories being told. "If you don’t measure it, you don’t know if you’re telling it effectively," he added, underlining Swayable’s mission to provide storytellers with the tools they need to ensure their messages are heard and influential.


If you would like to learn more about Swayable’s work this year, schedule a chat with one of our experts who can help you understand how Swayable can impact your brand.